Restricting carbohydrates can have surprising effects on blood pressure!
日本人の2人に1人が、高血圧であるといわれている。私も、長年高血圧に悩んできた。しかし、なぜ高血圧になるのか?理解できないまま悩んできた。但し、私の経験では、困難な仕事や難しい人間関係に直面した時など、通常時よりストレスが増すと、高血圧になるようだ。これは、現在の困難な状況をなんとか、改善させようとして自律神経が血管を収縮するために起きているようだ。 It is said that one in two Japanese people suffer from high blood pressure. I too have suffered from high blood pressure for many years. However, I have been troubled without understanding why people develop high blood pressure. However, in my experience, it seems that high blood pressure occurs when stress increases more than usual, such as when faced with difficult work or difficult relationships. This seems to occur because the autonomic nervous system constricts blood vessels in an attempt to somehow improve the current difficult situation.
A stressful life leads to high blood pressure. (Autonomic nervous system)
I myself once had a difficult time at work and was leading a stressful life. My blood pressure was always around 150mmHg and I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. After that, I started restricting carbohydrate intake, and now, three years later, my blood pressure has stabilized at around 120mmHg, so I think it’s safe to say that my high blood pressure has been cured. This was a surprising phenomenon to me. Why does restricting carbohydrate intake normalize blood pressure? I understand it as follows.
When you pour sugar water on the floor, it’s sticky and doesn’t flow easily. When you pour regular water on the floor, it’s runny and flows easily.

When you restrict carbohydrate intake, blood sugar levels in your blood vessels drop, making your blood flow more smoothly and easily, naturally lowering your blood pressure. On the other hand, when you ingest carbohydrates, blood sugar levels in your blood vessels rise, making your blood sticky and less able to flow, which raises your blood pressure, right? This tendency is especially pronounced in capillaries.
When you think about it this way, it’s no surprise that modern people are consuming too much carbohydrate, and one in two people suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is said to be extremely dangerous, leading to cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, and other conditions. Why not try lowering your blood sugar levels and improving high blood pressure by restricting carbohydrate intake?
(This time, I described my own experience of restricting carbohydrate intake for three years and having my blood pressure return to normal. It seems that many people who restrict carbohydrate intake have had their blood pressure return to normal.)