When slow jogging, land on your forefoot.

When you jog, where do you land on the sole of your foot? Is it better to land on your heel, or on the base of your toes (forefoot)?

I remember being taught in club activities at school that when running long distances you should land on your heels and shift your weight forward.

Landing on your heels is dangerous. The correct answer is to land on your forefoot. Here’s why.
かかと着地は危険です (Heel landing is dangerous.)
A friend of mine, who had been jogging as a hobby for many years and ran every day, had knee pain and ended up having surgery to replace it with an artificial knee, which made it impossible for him to jog. I was very shocked. When I talked to my friend, he told me that his doctor pointed out that the cause of his knee pain when jogging was “heel landing.
The reason why heel landings cause knee pain is because every time you run, your heel takes all the weight of your body, and the large impact is transmitted directly to your knee via your leg. In the case of jogging, this is repeated tens of thousands of times, and the knee finally screams.

フォアフット着地はなぜ安全か?(Why are forefoot landings safe?)
On the other hand, if you land on your feet at the base of your toes (forefoot), the Achilles tendon acts as a spring to reduce the impact of the landing, so there is no great burden on the legs. Therefore, even heavy joggers can jog without knee injury if they land on the forefoot. However, since the forefoot landing uses the spring of the Achilles tendon, it can be hard on the Achilles tendon if you are not accustomed to it.
I, too, have been running 150km to 200km per month since my early 50s, running 2000km per year for 10 years in a row, and thanks to forefoot landing, I have never had knee pain until now. If I had continued running without being aware of this landing method, I would probably be suffering from knee pain now.
It is said that Japanese tend to land on their heels, but most Africans seem to land on their forefoot. When Japanese runners first run in the schoolyard at elementary school, if they are barefoot, they are likely to land on their forefoot. However, because they wear thick-soled shoes, they tend to land on their heels. Africans, on the other hand, have been running barefoot since childhood and often go to school, so they seem to naturally land on their forefoot. This means that the forefoot running method may be natural for human beings.
When jumping down from a high step to a low step, humans always land on the bottom of the toes. Why is this? Perhaps it is because humans instinctively know where to land to absorb the impact of a fall. Perhaps we instinctively know.
参考書籍(Reference Books)
私が、フォアフット走法について学んだ書籍をご紹介します。詳しく知りたい方は、ぜひ下記の書籍を参考にしてください。最初の2冊は、スロージョギング提唱者、故・田中先生(福岡大学名誉教授)の本で、わたくしも愛読しており、スロージョギングのやり方がわかりやすく解説されています。最後の「BORN TO RUN」は、現代社会と隔絶して暮らす“走る民族”、素足で峡谷を走り抜けるベアフット・ランナーについて書かれた、ベストセラーです。
Here are some of the books I have learned about forefoot running. If you would like to know more details, please refer to the following books. The first two books are by the late Dr. Tanaka (professor emeritus at Fukuoka University), an advocate of slow jogging, and are also my favorite books, with easy-to-understand explanations of the slow jogging method. The last book, “Born to Run,” is a bestseller about barefoot runners who run through canyons in their bare feet, a “running race” that lives apart from modern society.